Two and three-axis Radio & Controls proportional joysticks can be used in a large variety of applications where is necessary to have a simple and reliable user interface to control construction machinery.
JS (with signal outputs, available also in ratiometric version) can only be used together with a logic control unit (PLC) or a power control device (PWM driver).
JP (with PWM outputs) can directly control hydraulic devices (pumps, distributors, dump valve) becoming often the only control unit of the whole machine.
JC thanks to its inputs, can collect a large number of control signals and transmit them through a CANbus network.
Designed and specifically conceived to reduce the amount of installation work, Radio & Controls joysticks are manufactured with top quality parts.
The control electronics are located inside the housing and completely sealed to assure extreme tightness.
Joystick movements are derived from the measurement of the magnetic field produced by permanent ferromagnets; the measurement is taken through redundant Hall effect probes. These kind of probes are not subject to deterioration.
The configuration and calibration easiness makes these joysticks suitable for different applications.
The push-button panel is completely customizable.