Radio remote control
AJM designed and fabricated custom welding jig
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Radio and Control
Supporting workpieces for the thermal joining process in an assembly line is important for product quality, productivity and cost savings. This is especially true for highly repeatable processes to adopt best manufacturing practices.
Welding jigs are of their nature not equipment that can be purchased “off the rack” and must be custom designed and built. This is exactly what AJM Engineering and AJM Radio and Controls were tasked with. The welding jig will be used in the construction of train truck roof construction.
The train truck roof is constructed with several pieces of metal that needs to be joined together by welding the joins. This is a large workpiece and accurate construction is only made possible with the help of a well-designed welding jig.
The welding jig mechanically manipulates the position of the workpiece so that the welder can access areas that previously would have been difficult to reach.
AJM Engineering did the mechanical design and fabrication of the welding jig and AJM Radio and Controls were responsible for the electrical, electronic, pneumatic system design and integration.
Some key features of the welding jig include:
The operation of the welding jig is controlled via a pendant or the main control panel, to clamp the steel sections in place and to rotate and lift or lower so that the workpiece is ergonomically positioned for best results.